
Dear New Patient,

I would like to personally welcome you to our practice and am very grateful you have chosen our practice to care for your eyes. Our goal is to ensure you are not suffering from any eye diseases that may lead to progressive and permanent vision loss.

Common systemic diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure can cause changes in the eye that can lead to vision loss. Early detection of these eye changes is key to ensuring you do not suffer from a loss of vision. If any disease is detected, we will take all necessary measures to ensure you receive the care you need.

I’d like to describe the steps of your examination so you will know what to expect on the day of your office visit. My ophthalmic technicians will welcome you and escort you to one of the examination rooms. There, they will ask you several questions about your past and current systemic and ocular health. It is helpful if you can either bring a list of and/or your actual medications you are currently using so we can have a complete understanding of all your medical ailments. After your history is taken, the technician will measure your central and peripheral vision, check your pupils, and measure your eye pressure. They will then instill eye drops to dilate your pupils so that I may examine the structures deep inside your eye, structures called the retina (a tissue that acts like the film of a camera) and optic nerve (the nerve the transmits the signal of vision from your eye to your brain). Dilation will take approximately 20 minutes and may last for up to 3 hours so you may want to bring someone to drive you home.

Once dilated, you will be returned to an examination room where I will introduce myself, verify your history and perform the remainder of the examination.   I promise to share my clinical findings with you and describe what problems may exist in your eyes. You and your family will always be welcomed and encouraged to ask any questions you may have regarding your diagnosis and treatment plan.

We understand how important vision is and will always take all measures to improve and preserve your sight.   I, and my office staff, look forward to getting to know you and develop a longstanding partnership in maintaining the health of your eye.

Paul S. Gulbas, MD
Mark J. Gallardo, MD
And staff

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